RAD-01 Extracorporeal Blood Treatment System
Patent pending non-antibiotic investigational device for treating bacteremia and lowering pathogenic CFUs in extracorporeal blood to improve outcomes in bloodborne infections and severe sepsis.
Contact for More InformationSepsis kills 270,000 Americans every year.
Sepsis is the most expensive medical condition treated in the U.S. Costs for acute sepsis hospitalization and care is estimated to be $62 billion USD annually. The average cost per hospital stay for sepsis is double the average cost per stay across all other conditions - and sepsis is the primary cause of readmission to the hospital, costing more than $3.5 billion each year. Approximately 30% of patients with severe sepsis do not survive - and as many as 50% of the survivors suffer from long term 'post-sepsis syndrome'. One in three patients who dies in a hospital has sepsis. Nearly all patients with severe sepsis require hospitalization and treatment in an intensive care unit. Immediate intervention is required - each hour delay in administering an effective antibiotic treatment increases mortality rate by 7.6%.
Extracorporeal Treatment of Bacteremia
The Radiatric RAD-01 system works with existing dialysis, CRRT, and hemoperfusion machines to continuously remove blood from a patient, treat it using visible light to deactivate pathogens, and return the disinfected blood to the patient. The treatment is safe for human cells, and works without photosensitizers or other drugs.

Radiatric's proprietary light delivery system uses a combination of visible and near-UV wavelengths to target endogenous poryphrin molecules in bacteria. Photoactivated poryphrins generate reactive oxygen species (ROS) which cause the bacteria to be irreparably damaged.
Wavelengths of light used have been shown to be effective against both gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, including antibiotic resistant strains.
Only targets bacterial cells - works by activating photosensitive compounds in bacteria, leaving mammalian cells unharmed. RAD-01 can be used in conjunction with dialysis or hemoperfusion therapy, as well as broad spectrum or targeted antibiotics.
About Us
Radiatric was founded to develop and commercialize highly effective technologies that improve outcomes in patients with bacteremia, moderate to severe sepsis, and Septic shock. Sepsis is a life-threatening event that occurs in nearly a million people every year in the US alone and causes upwards of 200,000 deaths annually. Severe sepsis has a mortality rate of over 70%. The RAD-01 device uses a unique non-pharmacological process for targeting and killing bacteria in the bloodstream, even when antibiotics are not effective. Early, effective treatment of the underlying bacterial infection limits the inflammatory systemic immune response that could otherwise lead to septic shock, organ damage, and death, and is associated with improved patient outcomes. Due to its method of action, bacteria are unlikely to develop resistance to the RAD-01 device. Radiatric has performed an extensive number of lab tests with RAD-01 and shown it to be effective in inactivating both gram negative and gram positive bacteria. Radiatric's technology is patent pending in the US and with PCT member countries.

Ron Tribble
Ron Tribble DMD, President of Radiatric, has extensive broad-based business experience as a company officer, senior advisor, board member, and investor in various ventures, including three healthcare companies. Dr. Tribble has a background in pre-clinical research during his post-doctoral education. He had a successful private dental practice for thirty years. During that period, he was a founding member of a Dental Services Organization. Later he became its Dental Director and managed a large network of Clinics and Providers. At the time of sale of the DSO he participated in securing a $120M+ acquisition deal.

Jorel Lalicki
Jorel Lalicki, VP Research and Development at Radiatric, Inc., is an entrepreneur and expert on Visible Light Disinfection (VLD) and High Intensity Narrow Spectrum (HINS) lighting. He is an inventor with more than 50 pending and granted patents, including many covering inventions utilizing VLD, HINS, and advanced control systems to deactivate pathogens. He was CTO at Vyv (formerly Vital Vio), and CTO at Vara Corp., as well as an advisor and consultant in technical, IP, and product commercialization fields for numerous companies, before becoming a part of the Radiatric team.
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